Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I was watching the Bonnie Hunt show on Monday and she had on Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of “Eat, Pray, Love.” Elizabeth was discussing her new book “Committed” which follows her journey of examining her views on marriage, divorce and the complexities and consequences what real love in the real word actually entails. She brought up some great points that really make you think. Like this concept of marriage by love is recently new (a couple of century’s old) and that marriage based on love alone is almost distend to fail. Which kidda makes since in my opinion a marriage is something you have to work on and that lovey dovey feeling is not always going to last. She had some studies on the difference between married women and single women. Married women are more likely to have a higher rate of suicide, be more addicted to alcohol and drugs, and be less happy than single women. She also polled elderly women in nursing homes and the ones with children were just as happy as the ones without children. The biggest kicker was the difference between married men and single men. Get this, Married men are LESS likely to be addicted to drugs and alcohol, LESS likely to commit suicide and are LOT happier that single men! Now why do they complain about being married to the “ole ball and chain” J So next argument you have you can bring this up hehe. She did have some more interesting studies and insight but I think I will defiantly read the book. Though watching the interview was kind of a downer for me, being recently married J but I hope it gives my single girls a different look at things and the married girls a gleams that it is not suppose to be all wonderful like everyone wants you to think and it is ok not to be the perfect wife. J Though I know you are all!

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